
Part of the team of A-Speakers

Thursday, 2 October 2014

How to matser dictatorship from within ?

It is much easier to free people from external dictators by forcing dictators down with the help of external power,than to free people from internal dictators without altering the structures which holds them prisoners within their own mysterious behaviors. Such behaviors caused by deep-rooted beliefs, holds them prisoners in the kingdom of fear and resistance for any changes. Sadly said,some people prefer to remain prisoners of the past, rather than become masters of the present future. The challenge to remove such dictator from within is double edged, both in our ability as coaches to help them to see the entire structure of their way of thinking and solving conflicts, and in their willingness to shift their mind in order to alter old structures.
What more can we do to help our clients to master their dictators ?

Alain Safa

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